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Cristin (13)


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Chapter 2: The Elders

Story Snippet (13) POV: Cristin

“I- What?”

Joining..? Did he miss something?

The center Elder sighed,

“Oh Cristin, you poor boy— by exiling you now, we are simply speeding up the inevitable. Really, it’s a shame that your crystal gave you a job to study that would never be useful; and as we all know, those in Crystalys that aren’t useful… Well, they simply can’t stay. It’s an unfortunate side effect that some are just destined to live a pointless life. You understand.”

Cristin’s vision blurred as he tried to grapple with what he was being told, he felt as if he would topple at any moment.

“No,” he squeaked out, “no, I don’t understand.”

Under the stress he couldn’t bother to use proper manners.

The Elder’s masks betrayed no sign of what they were thinking.

“I suppose as your last moment here, an explanation is at least deserved.”

The Elder continued to speak.

“As you are aware, every Chandalyn is given a gemstone, one that shows them their future for this Society. However, not all of them have a place in the world we all strive for.”

“How can someone destined to be a baker find a place in a world with no food? A biologist, in a world with only one life form?”

“A linguist, in a place closed off from any other species.”


“Many Chandalyns are destined to be exiled in this cruel world, but we still allow them to live their life as a scholar, concealed from the truth, so that they may still live out their childhood as a proud Chandalyn.”


Live out their life? 

What life!? He spent day after day secluded from everyone— studying, working— all so he could *start* his life.

“Cristin of the Amethyst House, call your Aide.”

It appeared to Cristin that he couldn’t even tell who was speaking anymore, the echoes of the Elders seemed to mold into one voice.

“There’s no need.”

He felt something cold clasp his shoulder, and he looked back at Eed, who stared down at him with her white eyes.

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