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Cristin (12)


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Chapter 2: The Elders

Story Snippet (12) POV: Cristin

It wasn’t much of a shock that this was why Cristin was summoned, but he was still unsure of why, of everyone in their society, of all the interpreters, why him?

“Let us begin,” the center Elder consented, and the left Elder spoke.

“Explain to this creature that it is to listen to our words.”

Cristin swallowed before turning his head to Kasi.

“Kasi, do you remember me?”

Maybe it was the shock of hearing his own language being spoken, but Kasi immediately looked up, his eyes seeming to regain some color.


“Yes!” Cristin cleared his throat, trying to regain his calm, “I’m going to be your interpreter today, these Chandalyns in front of me are going to talk to you; and we can both explain things to each other. Can you tell me what happened? Where’s your previous interpreter?”

Like the last time, Kasi seemed confused; making Cristin worried at how well he was speaking. Three weeks was not much time to iron out the wrinkles of a language he didn’t know much about, even for someone like him. Perhaps he needed to word things simpler.

“Your pronunciation is better,” Kasi spoke at last, “but I do not know what you mean.”

Cristin quietly glanced at the Elders, still waiting, like statues on their pedestals.

“Your interpreter, the one you were supplied with when you came to the Capital?”

But Kasi only shook his head.

“Is there an issue?” The Elder on the right spoke.

“N-no, your Timelessness— I was simply trying to make sense of the situation.”

“And I recall you were told only to prepare so we may give our sentence.”

Cristin felt his mouth dry up.

“Of course.”

He turned back to Kasi, “I will now translate the following words from the Elders, the leaders of Crystalys.”

Then the center Elder began talking.

“This creature standing before us has infiltrated and defiled our Utopia of a Planet by unknown means, as such, and with no ways to continue housing it or sending it back— I hereby declare it to be exiled from Crystalys; until its inevitable death by the hands of the cruel laws of sustaining life.”

Cristin’s eyes widened in shock; and his thoughts raced as he translated the words to Kasi.

Infiltration? How? Why couldn’t they send him back? Nothing made sense, everything seemed wrong.

“What is happening,” he whispered.

“Don’t you worry young Cristin,” the Elder on the right said.

“You’ll be joining it.”

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