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Cristin (14)


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Chapter 2: The Elders

Story Snippet (14) POV: Cristin

“Very good,” the Elder said, “I believe this Aide has served their purpose.”

Two more Onyx Representatives then walked into the room, one holding a shimmering set of scissors, made out of a material Cristin had never seen before, the other a small pouch.

“And I believe I disagree with that statement,” Eed said, still looking at Cristin.

“Aide, you dare talk back?”

“My purpose is to aide in my Chandalyn’s intellectual needs, which for Cristin means until his age of Graduation; I believe that to be in two Chandalyn years.”

“Therefore, my purpose has not been served; I still have work to do.”

“Aides, logical yet lacking vision,” the Elder sighed, “We figured you wouldn’t shatter willingly, which is why we’ve prepared separate means.”

One of the Onyx Chandalyns grabbed Cristin’s arm and pulled him away from Eed, and in his mental fog he didn’t try to stop them.

As one of them opened the small pouch, Eed shimmered out of view.

“Oh no you don’t,” the Chandalyn exclaimed, “hold still kid.”

Cristin yelped as they used one hand to push his head back and force his eyes open, and the other to sprinkle some form of powder into them— nearly knocking his glasses off in the process. 

It was then that Cristin jerked away, rubbing his eyes. He thought he heard an exclamation from Kasi but he wasn’t sure.

“Cut the tether,” the Elder said.

With his vision blurred and watery, Cristin was having issues figuring out what he was seeing, but it appeared that from somewhere he could see a shimmering thread floating between him and Eed, who was back to floating in front of him.

He then realized what was happening.

They were trying to take Eed away from him.


As if finally coming to his senses, Cristin tried to pull away from the Onyx Chandalyn.

“Hold on! Wait!”

This was to no avail, as the second Chandalyn pulled open the scissors and snapped them down onto the thread.

With a sound as if glass was breaking apart, Cristin watched as Eed fell like rain, until all that was hovering in her place was a sphere containing purple crystal fragments.

Cristin wobbled, his legs failing him, his senses leaving him; the only thing that kept him grounded was the jolt he felt from his brace— he had fallen onto his knees.

“How terribly immodest this is,” a voice said, “very well, take the Aide to be shattered.”

“No!” Cristin wailed.

“Oh, quiet your crying; you were so well behaved earlier,”


“I hereby declare Cristin of the Amethyst House to be forever exiled on the basis of inability to provide for the great Utopia of our Future.”

I just..

“Take them away.”


“Be proud, young one; for your expertise was needed, if only for today.”

