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Cristin (9)

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Chapter 2: The Elders

Story Snippet (9) POV: Cristin

The Chandalyns of the Amethyst House were notorious for their indifference and point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ nature, rarely talking to anyone and spending most of their time working on their individual projects and interests; but it was slightly different this time around, as Cristin could almost feel the shocked gazes and envious stares drilling into his skin while he walked behind the Diamond Representative. 

He shouldn’t have been surprised about this, it was the envy of all when someone was picked by the Diamond House, and Cristin was actually glad they didn’t know the real reason he was being escorted out of the House; the attention made him uncomfortable as it was.

Even so, he made sure to stand straight and walk with measured steps. He refused to show outwardly how uncomfortable and nervous he was; it would be disrespectful to all those who wished they were in his position. He was currently living the dream all Chandalyns had but none expected to be realized.

They soon exited the tall manor doors and Cristin felt his shoulders relax slightly, he knew it wasn’t purposeful but he didn’t enjoy being paraded around while his classmates were still out, the attention was unnerving and something he didn’t want again. These feelings surprised Cristin, and he mentally scolded himself for feeling that way, as he should be proud and confident, why he was finding this concept so difficult was beyond him.

Their footsteps echoed on the polished ground, and once they passed over the pathway surrounded by water pouring down the edges, Cristin realized it wasn’t often he got this close to the end of the Island. This was really happening.

And so, he stepped onto the hovering platform of crystal waiting off the island’s edge with the Diamond Representative, and watched the Amethyst House leave his view as the platform descended towards the Capital, where the Elder’s Palace glistened at the top.

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